Ahhhhhh, the joy and simplicity of childhood...
Life at this time is reduced to a series of tangible favorites. Clearly defined and seemingly unchangeable.
Children often speak in these terms. As adults we loose this ability, this sense of clarity in general terms.
Once upon a time, over 5 years ago, I was nonchalantly asked what my favorite color was. Haphazardly I responded "purple." For 5 years that answer has haunted me...
Flash to today:
"What's your favorite color?" she asks again.
In my grown-up voice I fire back, "Color of what, exactly? To wear? To paint my bedroom?"
In my mind context is everything. Where would this color be? What would it be paired with? I need more information.
Give me more...in an effort to somehow justify or rationalize my color choice
"Your favorite animal?" she inquires.
"For what purpose? To cuddle, to carry me across the desert, to protect me?" I query.
"Just pick an animal, you know, that you like." she calmly encourages (just a hint of patient understanding in her voice).
"An action verb." she insists, "like run, jump, dance..." she lists a few examples in case I need a refresher course on grammatical terms.
"Leap." I carelessly respond.
I can play. It's like MadLibs. No consequences. I hope...
If the answers didn't matter, if there were no consequences and no one to judge your responses, what would YOUR favorites be?
Is there a difference between these answers and your grown-up mind's thoughtful, calculated response?