Let love guide our choices. Not fear.
Each time I find myself thinking, "I'm afraid that..." I realize that I am allowing fear to influence my actions.
Someday, in the near or distant future, I will look back and wish I'd taken the risk.
How many times have you thought, I wish I had...
A healthy respect for the consequences of our actions and decisions is responsible.
Is a life lived without risk - of injury, of heartbreak, of failure - a life worth living?
I will fail, I will love and lose, I will stumble and hiccup and along the way I will live voraciously, love deeply and sincerely and live authentically. And all of this will smply pave the way for when I shine, I thrive and everything works out even better than I ever could have imagined.
Even with Mercury in retrograde, that day is here. That time is now.
What will you dare to risk?