...how to catch a hummingbird...
I was unintentionally eaves-dropping when I heard this curious snippet of conversation. There was a noted silence in our own table's conversation and above the background noise I very clearly heard: "...how to catch a hummingbird..."
It's stuck with me for several days now.
I am wondering what the remains of the conversation entailed?!
Why would you want to catch a hummingbird? Seems truly futile - like trying to catch a stray thought mid-conversation.
How exactly would you go about such a thing?
Entice it with food, a succulent flower to trap it in...
Lure it with sticky sweet nectar or honey...
Hire Sylvester - although Tweety was so much slower and look what happened there...
Hummingbirds are so incredibly fast! It seems a bit like trying to capture the Tasmanian devil.
Would captivity be detrimental to the tiny, high-metabolism creature? I read somewhere they must eat constantly to sustain their hyper-active nature.
I've rarely even seen a hummingbird sit still for more than a moment...
What would I want with a hummingbird? Birds are meant to be set free...
My thoughts run away from me like a flock of hummingbirds! Is there such a thing? They seem solitary creatures, destined for speed not idol companionship.
“You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts;
And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart
you live in your lips,
And sound is a diversion and a pastime.
And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered.
For thought is a bird of space,
that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly.”
Kahlil Gibran , The Prophet
I love this...and did you know that fairies are even more difficult than hummingbirds? We've tried for years ;)...thank you for sharing photos and post.